Oral-B are proud to have sponsored 11 webinars across April & May 2020 on a variety of topics to support dental education whilst most dental practices were closed. To access these past webinars, see a brief description, the key speaker involved and a link to watch the content below.

The Erosion Explosion! A Practical Guide to the management of Erosive Tooth wear

Tuesday, April 14, 2020
Aims and objectives:

This lecture will use clinical case examples to demonstrate the latest materials, equipment and evidence-based clinical techniques for the minimally invasive management of tooth wear and will include the following subject areas:

  • Prevalence of non-carious tooth tissue loss
  • Detection and diagnosis of erosive tooth wear
  • Prevention of erosive tooth wear
  • Treatment planning (including occlusal and aesthetic considerations)
  • Step-by-step guide to treating wear cases using direct composite
  • Restoration maintenance

CPD not available on demand

Louis Mackenzie Chief Dental Officer Denplan

Diagnosis - 2B or not 2B - The new Periodontal Classification and how to use this in practice

Wednesday, April 15, 2020
Aims and objectives:
  • To look at what is a diagnosis
  • To explain why the World Workshop felt the need to reclassify the periodontal diseases
  • To look at the changes that have been made from the previous classification
  • To look at the fine points of the new classification
  • To look at the practical use of the new system in general practice
  • Know why the changes have been made in the classification of periodontal diseases
  • Know how to use the new classification system when diagnosing periodontal disease in practice.

CPD not available on demand

Ian Dunn Specialist Periodontist

Modern deep caries management: get your team involved with practice-based clinical research and help make a difference to our patients and profession!

Friday, April 17, 2020
Aims and objectives:

This webinar will provide an overview of the principles for the minimally invasive (MI) management of patients with deep carious lesions and offer an exciting opportunity for primary care practitioners (dentists and therapists) to get involved in collecting clinical evidence as part of a national NIHR-funded primary care clinical trial.

This webinar will summarise the scientific and clinical evidence underpinning the latest concepts behind the minimally invasive operative management of deep carious lesions and will include:

• An overview on the conventional management of deep carious lesions
• An explanation of the principles behind selective caries removal and hard tissue / pulp preservation
• A summary of the clinical research supporting MI operative caries management
• An outline of the current NIHR-funded national UK clinical trial for Selective Caries Removal in Permanent Teeth (SCRiPT)
• Team participation details for the SCRiPT clinical trial

CPD not available on demand


Essentials of Periodontal Care in General Practice

Tuesday, April 21, 2020 19:00 - 20:00
Aims and objectives:

This lecture will provide an overview of all the key perio topics relevant in general practice, including the new classification.

  • To outline our current understanding of the aetiology and risk factors of periodontal diseases.
  • To understand and simplify the new classification and its application.
  • To provide tips on delivering effective oral hygiene advice.
  • To understand the objectives of non-surgical periodontal therapy, including indications for antimicrobial therapy.
  • To discuss when and how to refer a patient for specialist care.
  • To briefly discuss the diagnosis and management of peri-implant diseases.
Reena Wadia Specialist Periodontist

Periodontology Update

Wednesday, April 22, 2020 19:00 - 20:00
Aims and objectives:
  • To help identify and diagnose periodontal disease and refer if necessary.
  • To help manage most periodontal cases with in general practice.
Amit Patel BDS MSc MClinDent FDS RCSEd MRD RCSEng Specialist in Periodontics & Implant Dentist

New Horizons in Digital Cosmetic Dentistry

Thursday, April 23, 2020 11:00 - 12:00
Aims and objectives:

Understand how developing the digital examination within your practice can drive an incredible patient journey and USP for your practice.

See how same-day chairside restorations can help you provide predictable, aesthetic and stress free dentistry!

  • Understand the benefits of a fully digital workflow for your practice
  • See how a Cerec Workflow can integrate into restorative/orthodontic and implant dentistry
  • From single one visit crowns (OVCS) to pushing the digital envelope with full arch cases and digital milled post/core
  • Learn tips on how beautiful aesthetics can be achieved with monolithic ceramics utilising digital wax ups, hand characterisation and 3D Stain & Glaze
  • Understand the future of digital in dentistry to stay ahead of the curve
Dr Simon Chard Scientific Director British Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry

Strategies to prevent and manage early erosive toothwear and dentine hypersensitivity (DH) in general dental practice

Wednesday, April 29, 2020 19:00 - 20:00
Aims and objectives:
This lecture will provide insight into the aetiology of erosive tooth wear and the sequela, dentine hypersensitivity (DH). Guidance will be provided for the prevention and early management of both conditions 
This lecture will use research findings and clinical cases to demonstrate aetiology, prevention and early management of erosive tooth wear and dentine hypersensitivity that can be implemented in general dental practice.
The presentation will cover:
• Understanding of the aetiology, susceptibility and impact of erosive tooth wear and DH
• Gaining knowledge on current preventative management of erosive tooth wear and DH
• Oral hygiene practice to prevent dentine and enamel loss
• Knowing when to refer cases

Risk Assessment: Focusing on Prevention in a Post-Pandemic Era?

Friday, May 15, 2020 11:00 - 12:00
Aims and objectives:

This presentation aims to review the value of risk assessment in general dental practice in the context of behaviour change and care planning in oral healthcare. The different tools available will be examined together with the evidence base.

This lecture will briefly describe the rationale behind risk assessment and its role in contemporary preventive practice. It will also demonstrate the impact of personalised biofeedback on patient behaviour and on clinical measures of oral health:

  • Understand why risk assessment is central to the practice of individualised patient-centred care
  • Appreciate the learnings from the COVI19 pandemic and their influence on the short and longer term
  • Be aware of the stepped approach to evidence-based treatment from the forthcoming international guidelines in periodontal therapy, and how these map to our experience of COVID19
  • Understand the impact of individualised biofeedback upon patient understanding and engagement in their own oral health regime and the impact on clinical outcomes of disease
  • Appreciate the value of risk assessment in informing care pathways in contemporary dental practice, and how it underpins the shift from repair models of care to wellness models
  • Have insight into the medico-legal impact of risk assessment for prevention
  • Gain some insight into how periodontal care may be delivered safely in the immediate and longer-term future in light of COVID19

How good is your oral medicine?

Wednesday, May 27, 2020 14:00 - 15:00
Oral medicine
Aims and objectives:

This lecture will provide an overview of diagnosis and contemporary treatment of those oral medicine conditions which present most frequently in primary dental care. The emphasis will be on recognition of orofacial disease and its management in primary dental care. There will also be information on the indications and process of referral to specialist care. The material will be presented in the form of a self assessed interactive quiz that will enable participants to gauge the level of their knowledge in oral medicine.

The presentation will provide participants with an understanding of the following aspects of oral medicine in primary dental care.

• The differential diagnosis and initial management of inflammatory and infective causes of oral mucosal disease.
• The investigation and cause of dry mouth and its treatment.
• The diagnosis, investigation and management orofacial pain
• The recognition and referral of mouth cancer and potentially malignant disorders


All change please...? A case studies approach to latest periodontal classification...

Thursday, May 28, 2020 11:00 - 12:00
Aims and objectives:
This webinar will provide a practical overview of the latest classification of periodontal diseases using patient cases to illustrate the implementation of the scheme into day-to-day practice.  
By the end of the webinar, delegates will:
  • Have been provided with an overview of the system 
  • Have been led through its implementation for patient cases 
  • Have the basis to start using for their patients
Anthony Roberts Professor of Restorative Dentistry (Periodontology) Dental School & Hospital Ireland

Thoughts on survival - life, restorations and teeth

Friday, May 29, 2020 11:00 - 12:00
Aims and objectives:

In the background of the coronavirus pandemic, which puts little other than life and death into perspective, it might not be easy to see beyond the current crisis. However, there will be a time when dentists and their patients will again worry about how long the restorations placed in their teeth will last, and, arguably, more importantly, how the restorations which they receive will affect the lifespan of their teeth.

This presentation will therefore aim, using results from a 10 million restoration dataset, to predict the effect that given restorations will have a more profound effect on the life of the tooth than others.

At the end of the presentation, the listener will:

  • Be aware of the value of choosing the correct, high-quality material for a given clinical situation
  • Be aware that some restoration types may adversely affect the life of the restored tooth
  • Be aware of the patient and dentist factors which may affect the survival of restorations and the restored tooth.
  • Be aware that longevity of the restored tooth, as opposed to merely the survival of the restoration, is most important.
Trevor Burke Professor of Primary Dental Care University of Birmingham

A pragmatic approach to treatment of erosive tooth wear

Tuesday, February 23, 2021 19:00 - 20:30
Aims and objectives:

Tooth wear, in the past, was treated by gross destruction of teeth using a turbine drill for crown preparations – a strange way to treat teeth which were already compromised! However, substantial advances in bonding techniques have enabled the use of minimally invasive treatment using composite resin bonded to worn surfaces at an increased OVD. This presentation will discuss the optimum bonding agents for this treatment, the so-called Dahl concept, how to achieve an aesthetic improvement where needed (the concept of pragmatic aesthetics), and will indicate the rates of success which might be expected.

At the end of the course, delegates will:

  • Be aware of the bonding agents which will optimise performance
  • Know the principles behind bonding composite to worn teeth at an increased OVD
  • Be aware of the potential for success of the proposed treatment and the factors influencing that
  • Be introduced to the concept of “pragmatic aesthetics”

Learning Outcome

By the end of this webinar, delegates will be able to enhance patient care by attaining an increased awareness of contemporary methods of restoring worn teeth.

This lecture meets the criteria for category C of the GDC’s development outcomes for enhanced CPD

Professor Trevor Burke Professor of Dental Primary Care University of Birmingham

Peri implantitis! How on earth do we treat this…?

Thursday, February 25, 2021 19:00 - 20:30
Aims and objectives:

This lecture will cover what is peri implant diseases and how to diagnose and treat it within general practice.

  • To diagnose peri implant disease and understand the management of the disease
  • You will be able to diagnose peri implant diseases
  • you will also be able to manage peri implant mucositis with simple oral hygiene techniques
  • Advantages and disadvantages of screw retained and cement retained restorations
  • To utilise new technologies to help our patients maintain their implant reconstructions.

Learning outcomes

To diagnose peri implant diseases and the management.

Amit Patel Dentist Private Dentist

Sex, drugs, and sausage rolls – Periodontal risk factors, risk assessment & risk management

Tuesday, March 2, 2021 19:00 - 20:30
Aims and objectives:

This lecture will look at the common and less well know risk factors for periodontal disease. We will look at risk assessment tools and how risk management is an essential part of periodontal management.

By the end of this lecture, delegates will be able to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of periodontal risk factors, in the following subject areas:

  • The significant periodontal risk factors and where they impact on periodontal treatment
  • Risk factor assessment tools
  • Risk factor reduction
  • The need for thorough documentation of the risk factor discussion

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this lecture delegates will be able to enhance patient care by providing periodontal risk factor assessment and educate patients with regard to the importance of risk factor reduction.

This lecture meets the criteria for categories A, C, D of the GDC’s development outcomes for enhanced CPD.

Ian Dunn Specialist Periodontist Private Practice

The mouth is the window on the body – what can you see?

Thursday, March 4, 2021 19:00 - 20:30
Aims and objectives:

This lecture will be presented in an interactive quiz style of clinical cases that will allow participants to assess their knowledge of the oral manifestations of systemic disease.

By the end of this lecture, delegates will be able to demonstrate a contemporary understanding of the presentation, investigation and management of a range of medical conditions that may initially present with orofacial signs and symptoms in primary dental care including:

  • Mucocutaneous disease
  • Haematological disorders
  • Connective tissue disease
  • Inflammatory conditions
  • MalignancyInfections

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this lecture delegates will be able to enhance patient care by recognizing the presence of underlying systemic disease thereby enabling the start of any required treatment at an early stage.

This lecture meets the criteria for category C of the GDC’s development outcomes for enhanced CPD (maintenance and development of knowledge and skill within your field of practice).

Mike Lewis Professor of Oral Medicine and Dean of the School of Dentistry at Cardiff University Cardiff University

"MI" maintenance of dental restorations in the pandemic era – the "5Rs" unwrapped

Wednesday, March 17, 2021 19:00 - 20:30
Aims and objectives:

This webinar will provide a review and practical update on the minimally invasive management / maintenance of existing / failing direct restorations in our patients using the patient-focused, team-delivered minimum intervention oral care (MIOC) framework, during and after the pandemic era.

This lecture will provide an overview of the scientific and clinical evidence base for management and maintenance of the existing tooth-restoration complex in adults during and after the CoVid-19 crisis. Clinical case examples will help demonstrate some of the latest evidence-based minimally invasive clinical techniques for the “5Rs” approach – review, refurbish, re-seal, repair and replacement of failing direct restorations and will include the following subject areas:

  • Definitions of practice-based MIOC and its four interlinked domains
  • What constitutes a failed tooth-restoration complex? 5Rs – review, refurbish, re-seal, repair and replacement, evidence and clinical tips
  • Opportunities for postgraduate blended education (masters in Advanced Minimum Intervention Restorative Dentistry at King’s College London)

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this lecture delegates will be able to enhance patient care by optimising all aspects of the 5Rs pathway for managing the existing/failing tooth-restoration complex using minimum intervention oral care (MIOC) principles.

This lecture meets the criteria for categories A (effective communication with patients), C (maintenance and development of knowledge and skill within your field of practice) and D (Maintenance of skills, behaviours and attitudes which maintain patient confidence in you and the dental profession and put patients' interests first) of the GDC’s development outcomes for enhanced CPD.

Avijit Banerjee Cariology & Operative Dentistry/Hon

Grey areas: a practical guide to caries detection and diagnosis

Thursday, March 18, 2021 19:00 - 20:30
Aims and objectives:

This lecture will provide a practical update on caries detection and diagnosis, with a particular focus on radiographic assessment. Content is relevant to one of the General Dental Council’s highly recommended CPD subjects: radiography and radiation protection.

By the end of this lecture, delegates will be able to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of caries assessment in the following subject areas:

  • Radiation protection: optimization, justification and limitation
  • Selection criteria for dental radiography
  • Clinical techniques for caries detection and diagnosis• Radiography regulations update

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this lecture delegates will be able to enhance patient assessment by optimizing techniques for the detection and diagnosis of caries.

This lecture meets the criteria for the GDC’s development outcomes for enhanced CPD in the following categories: A (effective communication with patients), B (working in the interests of patients at all times), C (maintenance and development of knowledge and skill within your field of practice) and D (maintenance of skills, behaviours and attitudes which maintain patient confidence in you and the dental profession).

Louis MacKenzie Chief Dental Officer Denplan University of Birmingham

Infection Prevention & Control in 2022

Friday, March 25, 2022 10:00 - 11:00
Live at BDIA Dental Showcase, ExCeL, London

Registration is FREE

  • To be up to date with procedures post covid following the current guidance
  • Think about the chain of infection and how to break it
  • Know how to identify and refer suspected sepsis cases

Learning Content:

  • To be able to follow current guidance and know where to find it for reference

GDC Development Outcome C

Jo Russell Managing Director Oracle Practice Business Solutions Ltd

Mouth Cancer in 2022 - What's New?

Friday, March 25, 2022 11:00 - 12:00
Live at BDIA Dental Showcase, ExCeL, London

Registration is FREE

Update Webinars Theatre

  • Recognition and appropriate referral of mouth cancer is an essential aspect of contemporary dental healthcare due to the poor outcome for the patient if a tumour is not detected and treated early.  In addition to an appropriate soft tissues examination some detection aids have been developed to identify mucosal abnormalities.   The aetiology of mouth cancer remains multifactorial, although some risk factors, in particular tobacco, alcohol and HPV, are well established.  This lecture will present an interactive approach to the recognition, recording and referral of a spectrum of mucosal abnormalities, including squamous cell carcinoma, to ensure optimal patient management.      
  • Use the most appropriate terminology to record mucosal abnormalities      
  • Effectively apply the Urgent Suspected Cancer referral pathway in primary care
Learning Content:

Attendees will gain an improved understanding of those aspects of mouth cancer that are relevant to primary dental care, in particular recognition and initial management.  In addition, the interactive quiz format of the presentation will allow a self-assessment of the ability to detect mucosal disorders and mouth cancer.
GDC Development Outcome C
Professor Mike Lewis Emeritus Professor Cardiff University

Complete Private Dentistry

Friday, March 25, 2022 12:00 - 13:30
Live at BDIA Dental Showcase, ExCeL, London

Registration is FREE

  • Optimize the non-clinical aspects of private dentistry 
  • Optimize private clinical dentistry 

Learning Content:

This lecture will provide a comprehensive overview of private dentistry in the UK, including the advantages of private and mixed practice and a step-by-step guide to optimizing all clinical and non-clinical aspects of patient care in the private sector.

GDC Development Outcomes A, B, C, D

Louis Mackenzie Head Dental Officer Denplan
Catherine Rutland Clinical Director Denplan

Private Dentistry A Team Approach

Friday, March 25, 2022 13:30 - 15:00
Live at BDIA Dental Showcase, ExCeL, London

Registration is FREE

  • This lecture will explore the vital role of the dental team in the transition to private dentistry and in enhancing the patient experience in the private care setting.   It will look at ways to engage all members of the dental team during the transition and how to empower them to develop themselves and the practice. With staff retention a key issue at the current time we will discuss ways to motivate, manage and implement development pathways within your private practice.  Using direct examples and real-life experiences to provide ideas that can be taken forward in practice.
  • Gain knowledge of techniques to inspire and motivate their teams
  • Be aware of ways to develop the potential of team members to support the patient and the practice

Learning Content:

How to develop a clear and compelling vision for your private practice that involves the whole team  How to ensure your team are confident, committed, and motivated to support the transition to private practice  Look at ways to ensure your team are continually developed within their role and empowered within the practice  Learn about the process from first hand experience of a manager who has supported a move from NHS to private, how it was initiated, implemented and how it improved the team and patient experience

GDC Development Outcomes B & D

Jo Banks Client Training Manager Denplan
Lianne Scott Munden Clinical Support Specialist Denplan

Advanced Minimum Intervention Restorative Dentistry - its time to build back better!

Friday, March 25, 2022 15:00 - 16:00
Live at BDIA Dental Showcase, ExCeL, London

Registration is FREE

  • This presentation will outline the value and implementation processes to help advance your modern general dental practice in the post-pandemic era. By using the principles of minimum intervention oral care (MIOC) delivery and judicious use of the oral healthcare team members, contemporary prevention-based oral health delivery can be achieved, with sustainable practice business models and a holistic team-care approach to help maintain long term oral health in our patients across their life-course.
  • Gain an insight as to how MIOC delivery can affect patient care across the life-course in all disciplines of Restorative Dentistry, including caries management and assign critical roles of MIOC delivery to the members of the oral healthcare team
  • Gain information about the postgraduate masters in Advanced MI Restorative Dentistry at King’s College London as a certified training scheme for dental therapists and dentists to enable career progression through the CGDent career pathway development scheme.

GDC Development Outcomes B,C,D

Professor Avijit Banerjee Professor of Cariology & Operative Dentistry / Hon. Consultant, Restorative Dentistry, Faculty of Dentistry, Oral & Craniofacial Sciences King's College London

Management of Worn Anterior Teeth: System, Steps and Science

Saturday, March 26, 2022 10:00 - 11:00
Live at BDIA Dental Showcase, ExCeL, London

Registration is FREE

  • This presentation aims to cover the management of the worn anterior dentition starting with appropriate diagnosis and functional considerations.
  • Application of a systematic methodology together with novel matrix systems to create functionally aesthetic restorations that offer longevity, conducted in a predictable manner.
  • This presentation will go through the practical aspects of diagnosis and restoration using direct composite resin. 

Learning Content:

By the end of this presentation delegates will be able to have greater knowledge of how to diagnose the nature of Anterior Toothwear as well as how forms of deprogramming therapy aid this. Delegates will also gain an insight into matrix systems and full use of them to deliver predictable outcomes for their patients.

Andrew Chandrapal Principal dentist Bourne End Dental

Complete Private Dentistry

Saturday, March 26, 2022 11:00 - 12:30
Live at BDIA Dental Showcase, ExCeL, London

Registration is FREE

  • Optimize the non-clinical aspects of private dentistry 
  • Optimize private clinical dentistry 

Learning Content:

This lecture will provide a comprehensive overview of private dentistry in the UK, including the advantages of private and mixed practice and a step-by-step guide to optimizing all clinical and non-clinical aspects of patient care in the private sector.

Louis Mackenzie Head Dental Officer Denplan
Catherine Rutland Clinical Director Denplan

10 Tips for predictable aesthetic full dentures – Creating something to smile about!

Saturday, March 26, 2022 12:30 - 14:00
Live at BDIA Dental Showcase, ExCeL, London

Registration is FREE

This presentation is made up of step-by-step clinical case examples, designed to provide an update on the predictable treatment of the edentulous patient with full dentures, aiming to restore the patients smile and so their self confidence.

Learning Content:

By the end of this presentation delegates will be able to enhance patient care by optimising all clinical stages in the provision of full dentures to the edentulous patient.

GDC Development Outcomes C & D

Graham Stokes Clinical lead LHDP Smilecare Implant and Referral centre

Are you saying I'm dirty!

Saturday, March 26, 2022 14:00 - 15:00
Live at BDIA Dental Showcase, ExCeL, London

Registration is FREE

In this session we will look at how to communicate difficult perio messages to our patients. We will look at communication styles and how to handle difficult conversations that arise when when diagnose periodontal disease. 


  • Be able to explain periodontal disease aetiology 
  • Communicate the perio messages simply and effectively
  • Know what we should be recommending to our patents 

Learning Outcomes:

The lecture will look at periodontal disease aetiology, patient communication and effective home care. Behavioural change will be discussed and recommendations made on how to apply this in practice.

GDC Development Outcomes A,C,D

Ian Dunn Specialist Periodontist PerioCourses

Is the best bond the one that you don’t need?

Saturday, March 26, 2022 15:00 - 16:00
Live at BDIA Dental Showcase, ExCeL, London

Registration is FREE

The clinical performance of resin composite and contemporary dentine bonding materials has been shown to be excellent in a wide variety of studies, but, if we are looking for a true amalgam alternative, then we need a material which does not need an intermediate adhesive layer. This could be considered to be a bonus for clinicians, given that it would obviate the need for etching and bonding. This presentation will examine materials which fit this category, namely, Glass Ionomer (GI), Glass Hybrid (a GI derivative) and novel self-adhesive resin composites.  The evidence base for these is building, but is it yet sufficient for wholesale adoption of such materials?

Learning Content:

  1. Know how GIC materials work
  2. Be aware of the current status of research into the performance of GIC in loadbearing situations
  3. Understand how self-adhesive composite luting materials work and how they can be developed as restorative materials
  4. Appreciate the challenges of developing a true self-adhesive material for posterior teeth and be aware of the current status of such materials